
TiDB 联合索引是如何工作的

 mao_siyu  发表于  2020-04-14

本文是从 秦天爽老师 视频中整理的一部分,TiDB 联合索引是如何工作的



PingCAP University 是 PingCAP 官方面向企业和个人,培养 TiDB 领域 DBA、业务开发、社区贡献者的培训和认证机构。课程包括:TiDB、TiSpark、TiFlash、Cloud TiDB 等视频课程、Demo 演示、实操指导等,还包括 TiDB 考试大纲、认证指引。

TiDB 版本 3.0.5

TiDB 联合索引是如何工作的


联合索引的生效原则是 从前往后依次使用生效,如果中间某个索引没有使用,那么断点前面的索引部分起作用,断点后面的索引没有起作用;

查询的顺序是指 索引中的顺序 index:a, b, c, 而不是WHERE条件的顺序

TiDB 的联合索引只占用一个名额,例如: table_1 有 唯一索引,联合索引 计算方式是30W / (1+1+1) = 10W

CREATE TABLE table_1 ( a BIGINT, b VARCHAR ( 255 ), c INT );
ALTER TABLE table_1 ADD INDEX m_index ( a, b, c );


1 等值查询
1.1 WHERE a = 1 AND b = '2' AND c = 3;


MySQL [sbtest]> EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * FROM table_1 WHERE a = 1 AND b = '2' AND c = 3;
| id                | count | task | operator info                                                                         | execution info                   | memory    |
| IndexReader_6     | 0.00  | root | index:IndexScan_5                                                                     | time:1.774986ms, loops:1, rows:0 | 184 Bytes |
| └─IndexScan_5     | 0.00  | cop  | table:table_1, index:a, b, c, range:[1 "2" 3,1 "2" 3], keep order:false, stats:pseudo | time:0s, loops:1, rows:0         | N/A       |
2 rows in set (0.01 sec)

MySQL [sbtest]>
1.2 WHERE a = 1 AND c = 3;


MySQL [sbtest]> EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * FROM table_1 WHERE a = 1 AND c = 3;
| id                  | count | task | operator info                                                             | execution info                   | memory    |
| IndexReader_7       | 0.01  | root | index:Selection_6                                                         | time:1.692165ms, loops:1, rows:0 | 160 Bytes |
| └─Selection_6       | 0.01  | cop  | eq(sbtest.table_1.c, 3)                                                   | time:0s, loops:1, rows:0         | N/A       |
|   └─IndexScan_5     | 10.00 | cop  | table:table_1, index:a, b, c, range:[1,1], keep order:false, stats:pseudo | time:0s, loops:1, rows:0         | N/A       |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

MySQL [sbtest]>
1.3 WHERE b = '2' AND c = 3;


MySQL [sbtest]> EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * FROM table_1 WHERE b = '2' AND c = 3;
| id                  | count    | task | operator info                                                                   | execution info                   | memory    |
| IndexReader_7       | 0.01     | root | index:Selection_6                                                               | time:3.071065ms, loops:1, rows:0 | 142 Bytes |
| └─Selection_6       | 0.01     | cop  | eq(sbtest.table_1.b, "2"), eq(sbtest.table_1.c, 3)                              | time:0s, loops:1, rows:0         | N/A       |
|   └─IndexScan_5     | 10000.00 | cop  | table:table_1, index:a, b, c, range:[NULL,+inf], keep order:false, stats:pseudo | time:0s, loops:1, rows:0         | N/A       |
3 rows in set (0.01 sec)

MySQL [sbtest]>
1.4 WHERE b = '2' AND c = 3 AND a = 1;


MySQL [sbtest]> EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * FROM table_1 WHERE b = '2' AND c = 3 AND a = 1;
| id                | count | task | operator info                                                                         | execution info                   | memory    |
| IndexReader_6     | 0.00  | root | index:IndexScan_5                                                                     | time:921.345µs, loops:1, rows:0  | 182 Bytes |
| └─IndexScan_5     | 0.00  | cop  | table:table_1, index:a, b, c, range:[1 "2" 3,1 "2" 3], keep order:false, stats:pseudo | time:0s, loops:1, rows:0         | N/A       |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

MySQL [sbtest]>
1.5 WHERE a = 1 AND b IN ( '2', '4') AND c = 3;

在TiDB中 除了 =等号 和 IN 以外都是范围查询 b 是等值查询

MySQL [sbtest]> EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * FROM table_1 WHERE a = 1 AND b IN ( '2', '4') AND c = 3;
| id                | count | task | operator info                                                                                            | execution info                   | memory    |
| IndexReader_6     | 0.00  | root | index:IndexScan_5                                                                                        | time:1.920177ms, loops:1, rows:0 | 186 Bytes |
| └─IndexScan_5     | 0.00  | cop  | table:table_1, index:a, b, c, range:[1 "2" 3,1 "2" 3], [1 "4" 3,1 "4" 3], keep order:false, stats:pseudo | time:0s, loops:1, rows:0         | N/A       |
2 rows in set (0.01 sec)

MySQL [sbtest]>

2 范围查询
2.1 WHERE a = 1 AND b > '2' AND c = 3;

b是范围查询, 区间是左开右闭,导致c不起作用

MySQL [sbtest]> EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * FROM table_1 WHERE a = 1 AND b > '2' AND c = 3;
| id                  | count | task | operator info                                                                      | execution info                   | memory    |
| IndexReader_7       | 0.03  | root | index:Selection_6                                                                  | time:1.376259ms, loops:1, rows:0 | 176 Bytes |
| └─Selection_6       | 0.03  | cop  | eq(sbtest.table_1.c, 3)                                                            | time:0s, loops:1, rows:0         | N/A       |
|   └─IndexScan_5     | 33.33 | cop  | table:table_1, index:a, b, c, range:(1 "2",1 +inf], keep order:false, stats:pseudo | time:0s, loops:1, rows:0         | N/A       |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

MySQL [sbtest]>
2.2 WHERE a = 1 AND b < '2' AND c = 3;

b是范围查询, 区间是左闭右开,导致c不起作用

MySQL [sbtest]> EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * FROM table_1 WHERE a = 1 AND b < '2' AND c = 3;
| id                  | count | task | operator info                                                                      | execution info                   | memory    |
| IndexReader_7       | 0.03  | root | index:Selection_6                                                                  | time:1.696979ms, loops:1, rows:0 | 158 Bytes |
| └─Selection_6       | 0.03  | cop  | eq(sbtest.table_1.c, 3)                                                            | time:0s, loops:1, rows:0         | N/A       |
|   └─IndexScan_5     | 33.23 | cop  | table:table_1, index:a, b, c, range:[1 -inf,1 "2"), keep order:false, stats:pseudo | time:0s, loops:1, rows:0         | N/A       |
3 rows in set (0.01 sec)

MySQL [sbtest]>
2.3 WHERE a = 1 AND b like '2%' AND c = 3;

b是范围查询, like的区间是左闭右开 使用的是前缀范围查询,导致c不起作用

MySQL [sbtest]> EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * FROM table_1 WHERE a = 1 AND b like '2%' AND c = 3;
| id                  | count | task | operator info                                                                     | execution info                   | memory    |
| IndexReader_7       | 0.00  | root | index:Selection_6                                                                 | time:1.800475ms, loops:1, rows:0 | 176 Bytes |
| └─Selection_6       | 0.00  | cop  | eq(sbtest.table_1.c, 3)                                                           | time:0s, loops:1, rows:0         | N/A       |
|   └─IndexScan_5     | 2.50  | cop  | table:table_1, index:a, b, c, range:[1 "2",1 "3"), keep order:false, stats:pseudo | time:0s, loops:1, rows:0         | N/A       |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

MySQL [sbtest]>
2.4 WHERE a = 1 AND b like '%2' AND c = 3;

b是范围查询, 使用的是非前缀范围查询,TiDB目前是不能够使用非前缀范围查询索引的,导致b,c都不起作用

MySQL [sbtest]> EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * FROM table_1 WHERE a = 1 AND b like '%2' AND c = 3;
| id                  | count | task | operator info                                                             | execution info                   | memory    |
| IndexReader_7       | 0.01  | root | index:Selection_6                                                         | time:1.461115ms, loops:1, rows:0 | 160 Bytes |
| └─Selection_6       | 0.01  | cop  | eq(sbtest.table_1.c, 3), like(sbtest.table_1.b, "%2", 92)                 | time:0s, loops:1, rows:0         | N/A       |
|   └─IndexScan_5     | 10.00 | cop  | table:table_1, index:a, b, c, range:[1,1], keep order:false, stats:pseudo | time:0s, loops:1, rows:0         | N/A       |
3 rows in set (0.01 sec)

MySQL [sbtest]>
2.5 WHERE a IS NULL AND b = '2' AND c = 3;

在TiDB中 除了 =等号 和 IN 以外都是范围查询

MySQL [sbtest]> EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * FROM table_1 WHERE a IS NULL AND b = '2' AND c = 3;
| id                  | count | task | operator info                                                                   | execution info                   | memory    |
| IndexReader_7       | 0.00  | root | index:Selection_6                                                               | time:2.761675ms, loops:1, rows:0 | 144 Bytes |
| └─Selection_6       | 0.00  | cop  | eq(sbtest.table_1.b, "2"), eq(sbtest.table_1.c, 3)                              | time:0s, loops:1, rows:0         | N/A       |
|   └─IndexScan_5     | 10.00 | cop  | table:table_1, index:a, b, c, range:[NULL,NULL], keep order:false, stats:pseudo | time:0s, loops:1, rows:0         | N/A       |
3 rows in set (0.01 sec)

MySQL [sbtest]>

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