
TiDB 优化器逻辑优化之 OR 表达式条件消除

 jansu-dev  发表于  2023-12-11

第一章 背景介绍

好久没发文章了, 发篇曾经研究过的一篇水文.

通常来说, 永假的 OR 谓词条件是可以被消除的, 并且在通用数据库上可以见到对应逻辑.

如果不消除, 会引入额外的筛选机制, 导致大量计算资源被消耗, 引发 SQL 性能降低的现象.

第二章 理论概括

以下述代码块为例, 演示具体恒假析取表达式怎么被消除:

create table jan(id int, name int);
explain select * from jan where id=123 or 1=2;
select version();
  1. PostgreSQL 实验

    1. 可以看到 Filter: (id = 123) 已经直接将 or 1=2 的永假析取条件消除了.
test=# explain select * from jan where id=123 or 1=2;
                     QUERY PLAN                      
 Seq Scan on jan  (cost=0.00..21.25 rows=4 width=62)
   Filter: (id = 123)
(2 rows)

test=# select version();
 PostgreSQL 13.12 on arm-apple-darwin22.4.0, compiled by Apple clang version 14.0.3 (clang-1403., 64-bit
(1 row)
  1. Oceanbase 实验

    1. 可以看到 1 = 2 result is FALSE 并在 Output & filters 中没有出现相关筛选, 说明也消除了永假析取条件.

并且 OB 官网 有对该种情况进行描述.

第三章 现状分析

上面介绍了 OB 和 PG 该功能的实现, 下面演示当前 TiDB 的实现情况.

截止至 v7.1.1 TiDB 在单表查询时, or(eq(test.jan.id, 123), 0) 的恒假析取条件直接下推至 TiKV, 而不是直接在执行计划中消除.

mysql> explain select * from jan where id=123 or 1=2;
| id                      | estRows  | task      | access object | operator info                  |
| TableReader_7           | 10.00    | root      |               | data:Selection_6               |
| └─Selection_6           | 10.00    | cop[tikv] |               | or(eq(test.jan.id, 123), 0)    |
|   └─TableFullScan_5     | 10000.00 | cop[tikv] | table:jan     | keep order:false, stats:pseudo |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select version();
| version()          |
| 5.7.25-TiDB-v7.1.1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

第四章 问题分析

其实, 单表查询的使用方法并不一定会造成问题, 但是如果在多表 join 的情况下, 便会加剧该情况. 如 Issue-45785 中提到的, 在 TiDB instance 侧仍需要 CARTESIAN inner join 算子过滤 or(and(eq(edmp.t1.a, edmp.t2.a), eq(edmp.t1.b, 1)), 0). 比较理想的情况, 应该是从 CARTESIAN inner join 变为 inner join.

  `a` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `b` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `c` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  KEY `idx_a` (`a`)
  `a` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `b` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `c` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  KEY `idx_a` (`a`)
mysql> explain select /*+ INL_JOIN(t2)*/ * from t1,t2 where t1.a=t2.a and t1.b = 1 or 1=2;
| id                           | estRows   | task      | access object | operator info                                                                           |
| HashJoin_9                   | 100000.00 | root      |               | CARTESIAN inner join, other cond:or(and(eq(edmp.t1.a, edmp.t2.a), eq(edmp.t1.b, 1)), 0) |
| ├─TableReader_12(Build)      | 10.00     | root      |               | data:Selection_11                                                                       |
| │ └─Selection_11             | 10.00     | cop[tikv] |               | or(eq(edmp.t1.b, 1), 0)                                                                 |
| │   └─TableFullScan_10       | 10000.00  | cop[tikv] | table:t1      | keep order:false, stats:pseudo                                                          |
| └─TableReader_14(Probe)      | 10000.00  | root      |               | data:TableFullScan_13                                                                   |
|   └─TableFullScan_13         | 10000.00  | cop[tikv] | table:t2      | keep order:false, stats:pseudo                                                          |
6 rows in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)

第五章 解决方案

从 PG 的实现方式来看, 会有个 canonicalize_qual 函数试图将表达式强制转换为规范的 and-of-or 或 or-of-and形式. 在这个过程中, 会调用到 find_duplicate_ors 函数(如下所示部分), /* Get rid of any constant inputs */ 注释部分会将永假析取条件直接消除.

 * find_duplicate_ors
 *    Given a qualification tree with the NOTs pushed down, search for
 *    OR clauses to which the inverse OR distributive law might apply.
 *    Only the top-level AND/OR structure is searched.
 * While at it, we remove any NULL constants within the top-level AND/OR
 * structure, eg in a WHERE clause, "x OR NULL::boolean" is reduced to "x".
 * In general that would change the result, so eval_const_expressions can't
 * do it; but at top level of WHERE, we don't need to distinguish between
 * FALSE and NULL results, so it's valid to treat NULL::boolean the same
 * as FALSE and then simplify AND/OR accordingly.  Conversely, in a top-level
 * CHECK constraint, we may treat a NULL the same as TRUE.
 * Returns the modified qualification.  AND/OR flatness is preserved.
static Expr *
find_duplicate_ors(Expr *qual, bool is_check)
    if (is_orclause(qual))
        List       *orlist = NIL;
        ListCell   *temp;

        /* Recurse */
        foreach(temp, ((BoolExpr *) qual)->args)
            Expr       *arg = (Expr *) lfirst(temp);

            arg = find_duplicate_ors(arg, is_check);

            /* Get rid of any constant inputs */
            if (arg && IsA(arg, Const))
                Const      *carg = (Const *) arg;

                if (is_check)
                    /* Within OR in CHECK, drop constant FALSE */
                    if (!carg->constisnull && !DatumGetBool(carg->constvalue))
                    /* Constant TRUE or NULL, so OR reduces to TRUE */
                    return (Expr *) makeBoolConst(true, false);
                    /* Within OR in WHERE, drop constant FALSE or NULL */
                    if (carg->constisnull || !DatumGetBool(carg->constvalue))
                    /* Constant TRUE, so OR reduces to TRUE */
                    return arg;

            orlist = lappend(orlist, arg);

        /* Flatten any ORs pulled up to just below here */
        orlist = pull_ors(orlist);

        /* Now we can look for duplicate ORs */
        return process_duplicate_ors(orlist);
    else if (is_andclause(qual))
        List       *andlist = NIL;
        ListCell   *temp;

因此, TiDB 其实可以仿制类似逻辑, 在 buildSelection 处理 where 条件时, 利用递归的方法实现这个功能.

期待大佬们解决这个简单的问题了, 望产品逐渐完善!

第六章 文献参考

  1. PG 源代码
  2. PG 源代码解读-PostgreSQL 源码解读(33)- 查询语句#18(查询优化-表达式预处理#3
  3. TiDB 源代码


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